prof. dr. sc. Melita Kovačević

prof. dr. sc. Bojana Dalbelo Bašic
prof. dr. sc. Ranko Matasović

Tajnica studija:
Katarina Kasanić
+385 1 4698 110
Structure and organization of the doctoral programme. Organization of the full-time and part-time study

The postgraduate study Language and cognitive neuroscience is structured as a three-year study with a total of 180 ECTS. One ECTS means 25 hours of workload. Each year carries a total of 60 ECTS.
The basic structure of the study programme is shown in the scheme below.

Scheme of the Study
Programme’s Structure

1st year 60 ECTS
30 ECTS Classes
7 x 2 lab. = 14  ECTS Lab rotation
5 - 15 ECTS Lab research
5 - 16 ECTS Extracurricular activities
2nd year 60 ECTS
17 ECTS Classes
7 x 2 lab. = 14 ECTS Lab rotation
5 - 15 ECTS Lab research
10 – 20 ECTS Independent guided research
5 - 20 ECTS Extracurricular activities
3rd year 60 ECTS
7 ECTS Classes
10 – 20 ECTS Independent guided research
20 - 40 ECTS Independent research
1 – 5 ECTS Classroom participation
5 – 22 ECTS Extracurricular activities

Other research activities

For full-time students the study programme lasts three years. During that period, the students should write their doctoral paper. Nevertheless, the students are given a possibility to do a part of the research work (the defence of the doctoral thesis) by the end of the fourth year (3+1). The fourth year would not bring any extra credits nor would it be officially registered as the fourth study year.

For part-time students the programme lasts five years; the sixth year would have the same status as the fourth year for full-time students (5+1). The part-time students would in the first three successive years be required to collect credits through lectures, with the possibility of completing research work in the period of five years. Namely, since a new generation of students will be enrolled every other year only, the part-time students are required to attend the lectures in one generation (the same as the full-time students), but their lab work may be organized in successive five years. Such a structure should not be a problem for the part-time students since they get only 30% of the total number of the required credits through the lectures. In other words, the part-time students are given the chance to adapt their pace of studying to their other obligations but within the required time span.