Brian James MacWhinney, prof. dr. sc.
Brian MacWhinney redoviti je profesor na Odsjeku za psihologiju Sveučilišta Carnegie mellon, Pittsburgh, SAD.
Diplomirao je retoriku i geologiju 1965. na University of California at Berkley gdje je magistrirao s temom iz lingvistike. Godine 1974. doktorirao je s temom iz psiholingvistike. Predavao je na sveučilištima u Berkleyu, Davisu i Denveru. Na Sveučilištu Carnegie Mellon izabran je 1980. za izvanrednog, a 1985. za redovitog profesora.
Voditelj je projekta CHILDES (Child Language Data Exchange System). Projekt uključuje međujezične analize jezičnog usvajanja u djece.
Govori mađarski, njemački, francuski i španjolski.
Popis znanstvenih publiciranih radova nastavnika u posljednjih 5 godina:
Red. br. Naziv
1. Brooks, P., MacWhinney, B. (2000). Phonological priming in children's picture naming. Journal of Child Language. 27, 335-366.
2. Matessa, M., Anderson, J. (2000). Modeling focused learning in role assignment. Language and Cognitive Processes. 15, 263-292.
3. MacWhinney, B. (2002). Language Emergence. U: Burmeister, P., Piske, T., and Rohde, A. (ur.), An integrated view of language development - Papers in honor of Henning Wode, 17-42. Trier: Wissenshaftliche Verlag.
4. MacWhinney, B. (2002). The Competition Model: The input, the context, and the brain. U: Robinson, P. (ur.), Cognition and second language instruction, 15-41. New York: Cambridge University Press.
5. Li, P., Farkas, I., MacWhinney, B. (2004). Early lexical development in a self-organizing neural network. Neural Networks. 17, 1345-1362.
6. MacWhinney, B. (2004). A multiple process solution to the logical problem of language acquisition. Journal of Child Language. 31, 883-914.
7. MacWhinney, B. (2004). A Unified Model of Language Acquisition. U: Kroll, J., De Groot, A. (ur.), Handbook of bilingualism: Psycholinguistic approaches. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
8. MacWhinney, B. (u tisku). The emergence of grammar from perspective taking. U: Pecher, D., Zwaan, R. (ur.), The grounding of cognition.
9. MacWhinney, B. (u tisku). Language evolution and human development. U: Bjorklund, D., Pellegrini, A. (ur.), Child development and evolutionary psychology.
10. MacWhinney, B. (u tisku). Emergent fossilization. U: Han, Z., Odlin, L. (ur.), Perspectives on fossilization. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
11. Tokowicz, N., MacWhinney, B. (u tisku). Implicit and explicit measures of sensitivity to violations in second language grammar: An event-related potential investigation. Studies in Second Language Acquisition.
Znanstveni radovi koji nastavnika kvalificiraju za izvođenje nastave:
Red. br. Naziv
1. MacWhinney, B. (2002). Language Emergence. U: Burmeister, P., Piske, T., and Rohde, A. (ur.), An integrated view of language development - Papers in honor of Henning Wode, 17-42. Trier: Wissenshaftliche Verlag.
2. MacWhinney, B. (2002). The Competition Model: The input, the context, and the brain. U: Robinson, P. (ur.), Cognition and second language instruction, 15-41. New York: Cambridge University Press.
3. Li, P., Farkas, I., MacWhinney, B. (2004). Early lexical development in a self-organizing neural network. Neural Networks. 17, 1345-1362.
4. MacWhinney, B. (2004). A Unified Model of Language Acquisition. U: Kroll, J., De Groot, A. (ur.), Handbook of bilingualism: Psycholinguistic approaches. Oxford: Oxford University Press.