Ksenija Marinković, dr. sc.
Ksenija Marinković diplomirala je psihologiju na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu, magistrirala na Occidental College, Los Angeles, te doktorirala psihologiju na University of California, Los Angeles. Na postdoktorskom usavršavanju boravila je u Rennesu u Francuskoj i na Brain Research Institute, UCLA. Od 1998. do 2000. docentica je na Odjelu za radiologiju Sveučilišta Utah, Salt Lake City, a od 2000. predaje na Radiologiji na Harvard Medical School, Boston. Članica je profesionalnih udruga: Society for Neuroscience, Society for Cognitive Neuroscience i Society for Psychophysiological Research. Njezini znanstveni interesi uključuju istraživanje kognitivnih aktivnosti u mozgu metodama MEG, ERP i fMRI. Istražuje utjecaj alkohola na kognitivne procese i lokalizaciju i slijed moždane aktivnosti na istaknute podražaje tijekom emocionalnih stanja.
Popis znanstvenih publiciranih radova nastavnika u posljednjih 5 godina:
Red. br. Naziv
1. Halgren, E. i dr. (1994). Spatio-temporal stages in face and word processing. 1. Depth-recorded potentials in the human occipital, temporal and parietal lobes. Journal of Physiology. 88, 1-50.
2. Dhond, R.P. i dr. (2001). Sequence of brain activity underlying word-stem completion. Journal of Neuroscience. 21, 3564-3571.
3. Marinković, K. i dr. (2000). Localized face processing by the human prefrontal cortex: 2. Face-selective intracerebral potentials and post-lesion deficits. Cognitive Neuropsychology. 17, 187-199.
4. Halgren, E. i dr. (2000). Cognitive response profile of the human fusiform face area as determined by MEG. Cerebral Cortex. 10, 69-81.
5. Marinković, K., Halgren, E. (1998). Human brain potentials related to the emotional expression, repetition and gender of faces. Psychobiology. 26, 348-356.
6. Halgren, E., Marinković, K., Chauvel P. (1998). Generators of the late cognitive potentials in auditory and visual oddball tasks. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology. 106, 156-164.
7. Halgren, E. (1995). Intracerebral potentials to rare target and distractor auditory and visual stimuli: 2. Medial, lateral and posterior temporal lobe. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology. 94, 229-250.
8. Lieury, A. (1997). Les mots grossiers et sexuels sont-ils mieux mémorisés que des mots neutres?. Le Langage et l'Homme. 32, 17-37.
9. Halgren, E., Marinković, K. (1995). Neurophysiological networks integrating human emotions. U: Gazzaniga, M. (ur.), The Cognitive Neurosciences, 1137-1151. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
10. Halgren, E. i dr. (1994). Spatio-temporal stages in face and word processing. 2. Depth-recorded potentials in the human frontal and Rolandic cortices. Journal of Physiology. 88, 51-80.
Znanstveni radovi koji nastavnika kvalificiraju za izvođenje nastave:
Red. br. Naziv
1. Dhond, R.P. i dr. (2001). Sequence of brain activity underlying word-stem completion. Journal of Neuroscience. 21, 3564-3571.
2. Halgren, E., Marinković, K. (1995). Neurophysiological networks integrating human emotions. U: Gazzaniga, M. (ur.), The Cognitive Neurosciences, 1137-1151. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
3. Halgren, E., Marinković, K., Chauvel P. (1998). Generators of the late cognitive potentials in auditory and visual oddball tasks. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology. 106, 156-164.
4. Marinković, K. i dr. (2000). Localized face processing by the human prefrontal cortex: 2. Face-selective intracerebral potentials and post-lesion deficits. Cognitive Neuropsychology. 17, 187-199.
5. Marinković, K., Halgren, E. (1998). Human brain potentials related to the emotional expression, repetition and gender of faces. Psychobiology. 26, 348-356.
6. Lieury, A. i dr. (1997). Les mots grossiers et sexuels sont-ils mieux mémorisés que des mots neutres?. Le Langage et l'Homme. 32, 17-37.