James R. Booth, prof. dr. sc.
James R. Booth izvanredni je profesor na Odsjeku za komunikacijske znanosti i poremećaje Northwestern University. Nedavno je dobio “National Research Service Award” na Carnegie Mellon University i specijalizaciju na Sveučilištu Maryland i Državnom zavodu za dječje zdravlje i ljudski razvoj (National Institute of Child Health and Human Development).
Znanstveni interesi dr. Bootha uključuju interdisciplinarna proučavanja u kognitivnoj razvojnoj neuroznanosti, proučavanja usmjerena na neuralne temelje razvoja pozornosti, jezika i čitanja. Objavljivao je u uglednim časopisima, uključujući Child Development, Cognitive Development, Developmental Neuropychology, Developmental Psychology, Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, Psychological Review i Scientific Studies of Reading and Vision Research.
Sada drži predavanja iz kognitivne neuroznanosti, kognitivnog razvoja i neuropsihologije.
Popis znanstvenih publiciranih radova nastavnika u posljednjih 5 godina:
Red. br. Naziv
1. Booth, J. R., Burman, D. D. (2001). Development and disorders of neuro-cognitive systems for oral-language and reading. Learning Disabilities Quarterly. 24, 205-215.
2. Booth, J. R. i dr. (2001). The development of specialized brain systems for reading and oral-language. Child Neuropsychology. 7, 119-141.
3. Booth, J. R., Perfetti, C. A. (2002). Onset and rime structure influences naming but not early word identification in children and adults. Scientific Studies of Reading. 6, 1-23.
4. Booth, J. R. i dr. (2002). Functional anatomy of intra- and cross-modal lexical tasks. Neuroimage. 16, 7-22.
5. Booth, J. R. i dr. (2002). Modality independence of word comprehension. Human Brain Mapping. 16, 251-261.
6. Booth, J. R. i dr. (2003). The relation between brain activation and lexical performance. Human Brain Mapping. 19, 155-169.
7. Booth, J. R. (u tisku). Modality-specific and -independent developmental differences in the neural substrate for lexical processing. Journal of Neurolinguistics.
Znanstveni radovi koji nastavnika kvalificiraju za izvođenje nastave:
Red. br. Naziv
1. Booth, J. R., Burman, D. D. (2001). Development and disorders of neuro-cognitive systems for oral-language and reading. Learning Disabilities Quarterly. 24, 205-215.
3. Booth, J. R., Perfetti, C. A. (2002). Onset and rime structure influences naming but not early word identification in children and adults. Scientific Studies of Reading. 6, 1-23.
4. Booth, J. R. i dr. (2002). Modality independence of word comprehension. Human Brain Mapping. 16, 251-261.
5. Booth, J. R. i dr. (2003). The relation between brain activation and lexical performance. Human Brain Mapping. 19, 155-169.
6. Booth, J. R. i dr. (u tisku). Modality-specific and -independent developmental differences in the neural substrate for lexical processing. Journal of Neurolinguistics.