Roger K. R. Thompson, prof. dr. sc.
Roger K. R. Thompson profesor je biologije na Franklin & Marshall College.
Godine 1998. bio je predavač na Animal Cognition. 5th International Summer School in Cognitive Science. New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria; u ljeto 1993. Professor Invitee, Dept. of Ethologie, Universitie de Rennes, France, godine 1992. predavač na International Summer School in Comparative Approaches to Cognitive Science, Ecole d'Art d'Aix-en-Provence, France.
Predavao je predmete: Animal Behavior; Biology & Behavior of Living Systems; Comparative Psychology; Ethology; Evolution of Mind and Intelligence; Independent Research in Biology; Independent Research in Psychology; Introductory Psychology; Introductory Organismal Biology; Knowing Animal Minds; Learning: Process & Theory; Learning, Development & Memory; Life Processes; Other Minds, Other Selves; Research in Primate Behavior & Cognition. The Psychology of Everyday Action; Topics & Research in the Biological Foundations of Behavior.
Područja njegova znanstvena interesa jesu: komparativna psihologija i životinjsko ponašanje: komparativna spoznaja, ponašanje, percepcija, učenje i spoznaja u primata. Sudjeluje u uređivanju časopisa: Learning & Behavior (od 2002.),Primatologie (od 1997.), Journal of Comparative Psychology. (1994.- 2001.), International Journal of Comparative Psychology (1986.-1990.).
Popis znanstvenih publiciranih radova nastavnika u posljednjih 5 godina:
Red. br. Naziv
1. Thompson, R. K. R., Rattermann, M. J., Oden, D. L. (2001). Perception and judgment of abstract same-different relations by monkeys, apes and children: Do symbols make explicit only that which is implicit?. Hrvatska Revija za Rehabilitacijska Istraživanja. 37 (1), 9-22.
2. Oden, D. L., Thompson R. K. R., Premack, D. (2001). Can an ape reason analogically? Comprehension and production of analogical problems by Sarah, a Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes). U: Gentner, D., Holyoak, K. J., Kokinov, B. N. (ur.), Analogy: Theory and phenomena, 472-497. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
3. Thompson, R. K. R. (2000). It's history - all the way down: A review of
"The cultural origins of human cognition“ by M. Tomasello. Cahiers de Psychologie Cognitive/Current Psychology of Cognition, 19 (5-6), 603-608.
4. Thompson R. K. R., Oden, D. L. (2000). Categorical perception & conceptual judgments by nonhuman primates: The paleological monkey and the analogical ape. Cognitive Science. 24, 363-396.
Znanstveni radovi koji nastavnika kvalificiraju za izvođenje nastave:
Red. br. Naziv
1. Thompson, R. K. R., Rattermann, M. J., Oden, D. L. (2001). Perception and judgment of abstract same-different relations by monkeys, apes and children: Do symbols make explicit only that which is implicit?. Hrvatska Revija za Rehabilitacijska Istraživanja. 37 (1), 9-22.
2. Thompson R. K. R., Oden, D. L. (2000). Categorical perception & conceptual judgments by nonhuman primates: The paleological monkey and the analogical ape. Cognitive Science. 24, 363-396.
3. Thompson, R. K. R. i dr. (1998). Perception and action: The importance and contributions of non-human animal research in psychology. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association Press.
4. Thompson, R. K. R., Oden, D. L. (1998). Why monkeys and pigeons, unlike certain apes, cannot reason analogically. U: Holyoak, K., Gentner, D., Kokinov, B. (ur.), Advances in analogy research: Integration of theory and data from the cognitive, computational, and neural sciences, 269-273. Sofia, Bulgaria: New Bulgarian University Press.
5. Thompson, R. K. R. (1996). Do animals have concepts?. International Journal of Psychology. 31, 405-406.
6. Thompson, R. K. R. (1995). Natural and relational concepts in animals. U: Roitblat, H., Meyer, J.A. (ur.), Comparative approaches to cognitive science, 175-224. Cambridge, MA: Bradford, MIT Press.